Thursday, December 2, 2010

Done but not finished

Well Nanowrimo is officially over for 2010! We had a very busy month and were gone for about two weeks to Texas to visit the Coles! It was a fabulous visit and we did manage to have writing time quite often. Unfortunately, I did not realize just how much the trip would take out of me  I fully intended to write whenever I wasn't driving, but ended up needing to sleep and conserve energy so that I could take my turn driving.

We got home on the 28th after not sleeping for more than an  hour at a time and crashed. This left me with part of Monday and Tuesday to try to complete the work. Monday I wrote only about 5500 words. I blame "jet lag". I was incredibly discouraged but more determined than ever to put in everything I had left on Tuesday to complete it. I feel like I accomplished a personal miracle for me by writing 16,000 words on Tuesday! I still am not sure where the words came from, but they just kept flowing and I was grateful. I was barely able to keep my eyes open, but I wrote until exactly 12:00 a.m. and did a word count. I finished the race short at only 40,554 words.

Disappointed? Yes. Encouraged? Yes. Wednesday was a day of contemplation on my mistakes and successes along the way. I realized that in choosing to write, I was setting in motion a long awaited childhood dream. I has waited patiently in the creative shadows of my mind waiting for the opportunity to be unleashed. I now feel like I have given myself the permission I never needed but always used as an excuse to not write, because I didn't have it.

I realized that writing is like anything else. In order to do it on a regular basis, I have to schedule it in like I would my work, chores, callings, family time, parties and anything else that takes importance. It all comes down to time management. I can choose how to spend my time and that re-realization excites me because I know that I will always make time for it now.

So there you have it. I am continuing to work on my novel until I hit the 50,000 word mark just to be able to say I did it. I will continue to mold it and morph it into a beautiful piece of work that has a little bit of me woven into the fibers of the story. I am excited to hear about all of your successes. I count myself blessed to have the opportunity to continue to learn new things about myself and the world around me daily. I always like to think that it hasn't been a good day unless I have learned something new.

Today is a good day.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


So here I am on the 11th of November with a paltry 5000 words written, I am so far behind it isn't even funny. This month just hasn't been cooperative with my writing so far. But I am not giving up hope. There is still a lot of month left and I am going to get caught up and finish. I hope everyone else is doing well.


Monday, November 8, 2010

I Am There with You.

Don't get down David. I got 2,000 words on Nov. 1 and 700 words on Nov. 5. That was all of my writing for the week. The spreadsheet I am using to track my word count is very intimidating right now. The only thing we can do is put our heads down and keep on writing.

I am happy to see that a few people have posted here on the blog. I thought this might be an easier way for everyone that I know who is participating to keep in touch and help bolster one another's spirits as the challenges of trying to write like mad for a month come up.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ran into my first roadblock

So I wrote fairly well on Monday but Tuesday I spent the day outlining character arcs. My novel is about a small town and small town politics. There are ten characters I list as needing to have story arcs to carry it off. I realized I was stuck at writing the next scene because I wasn't sure who's arc needed to be touched now. So more planning. Oh the struggles of a discovery writer. I really wish I could outline better. Then I know the words would flow faster.

One thing about Monday's writing (about 2,000 words) the scene played out well and I am very happy with the dialogue.

Good luck to you all and I hope it we all get it this year.

David Larsen

So, I did it!

I'm officially signed up for Nanowrimo and have begun to write! I'm a little blog-tarded, but as penance for not telling Steve I was doing Nanowrimo I have subscribed anyway, AND I'm posting! Happy noveling!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hey All

This blog is for family and friends to post and share the experience of National Novel Writing Month this year.